We know that an unexpected accident can happen at any time and accidental injuries can seriously impact your entire life and the lives of loved ones around you. A serious injury can leave you with great medical bills and unable to work in the position and at the level that you once were at. Financially, this can be devastating to you and your family. You may need Social Security Disability benefits to help cover medical bills and other expenses while you're rehabilitating and unable to work.
While it is possible to request Social Security Disability benefits without the aid of an attorney, it is not always advisable. Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can be a trying and often frustrating process, particularly if you go into the applications process without support or information. At the Law Offices of David Zimmerman, our attorneys are experienced, well versed in Michigan Social Security Disability rules and guidelines, standing with you to help make sure the filing or appeals process proceeds without incident. We're prepared to provide the most competent and aggressive Social Security Disability representation that you'll find in Michigan. You can be assured that our attorneys can assist you in every aspect of your case.
Social Security Disability
The application process for SSD benefits and
eligibility requirements do not vary state by state. Workers who have paid into the system for about
10 years or who have 40 credits can apply for SSD. Exceptions to the rule often apply. Others can
apply for SSI based on need.
How the SSD/SSI Benefits Process Works
Individuals can apply for SSD benefits
online at www.ssa.gov, by calling
800-772-1213, or in person at a local Social Security office. After the application is submitted,
the Social Security Administration (SSA) reviews it to determine if the applicant meets the medical
requirements for disability. In addition to the applicant's medical records documenting his or her
illness or injury, an independent medical assessment may be required. The SSA then uses the Social
Security guidelines for disability to determine if the individual meets the criteria for disability.
If SSD benefits are denied, the individual can file an appeal.
It is important to keep in mind that the application process for Social Security benefits is designed to discourage false or unnecessary claims. If your physician has determined that you are unable to work due to your medical condition, skilled Social Security Disability attorneys at The Law Office of David Zimmerman can assist you and help streamline the process.
Denial - The Reality of Filing a Disability Claim
Of course, completing the
necessary steps to file for disability is only the beginning. Getting an initial answer on a Social
Security or SSI disability claim can easily take a number of months. And at the end of that time,
most claimants will find that their case for benefits has been denied. Applications are denied for
many reasons. The numbers can vary significantly from state to state, but, nationwide, almost seven
out of ten disability cases are turned down at the initial application stage. What this means for
the average disability claimant is that, to eventually win their disability benefits, they will need
to file one or more appeals for SSI or SSDI. For instance, you may not be able to prove that you
will remain disabled for the required 12 months at the time of Social Security's decision. If your
application is denied and you're still unable to work, we can help you appeal the decision. One of
attorneys who specializes in SSD law will represent you in court. You have 60 days after receiving
your Notice of Denial to request a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). We
can discuss this further with you in a free, no- obligation appointment.
Contact Our Attorneys
For experienced attorneys involving Social Security
Disability benefits, call the Law Offices of David Zimmerman, in Sterling Heights, MI, or contact us
via our form email on the right. You will be treated with the utmost of respect and
professionalism and we look forward to speaking with you. Thank You.