There are several reasons that your claim may be denied or benefits-stopped. Michigan's injured workers and their employers are governed by the Workers' Disability Compensation Act. In Michigan, the Workers' Compensation Agency (the Agency) administers this Act. Look at your denial letter for the reason(s) your claim was denied or benefits terminated and talk with one of our attorneys. You will need to be informed of your rights and about Michigan Workers' Compensation Act. Time is of the essence.
In Michigan, employers have 30 days to make a decision on your benefits once you give them notice of an injury. Employers should either deny your claim or start paying your benefits. Often employers or their insurance company will stall or attempt to delay your claim. At The Law Offices of David Zimmerman, we have over 20 years of experience of strongly advocating for employee rights, standing up to employers and workers' compensation insurance companies. If your workers' comp benefits have been denied, terminated, or delayed, our workers' comp attorneys can be of great assistance to you now.
Unfortunately, you may be waiting for your workers' comp claim to be paid and you are probably in need of immediate medical care, only to find out that your hoped for benefits have been denied. While waiting for the trial, our attorneys will work with you to see that you receive the medical care that you require. For some cases, we'll help you find the appropriate, reputable doctor to best treat your injuries, speeding your recovery. This is not where the process stops. It's where our attorneys' work begins on your behalf.
We will dispute the denial and the case will be assigned to a workers' comp judge. A pretrial hearing will be scheduled, at which we'll review your case with the defense attorney representing your employer and the workers' comp insurance company. A trial date is often set and our attorneys will prepare to advocate for you when your case is in front of the judge.
We also want to be assured that the doctors you're seeing keep accurate and clear documentation, so in court, we'll have the necessary support. It's very important that we have all of this evidence to get you the workers' compensation that you need, easing your burden. After obtaining the required medical documentation, our attorneys will then try to settle your case with your best interest in mind. There are several different ways to resolve a worker's compensation case including a trial, as mentioned, a voluntary payment agreement, or a settlement. We can discuss all of the options on your initial visit to our office or phone call and decide what is right for you. No retainer fees will are paid by you.
Unfortunately workers compensation benefits in Michigan can be disputed by the insurance company or employer for good reason, bad reason or even no reason. You should be sent a "Notice of Dispute" which will indicate why benefits have stopped. However, the insurance company will often just stop benefits without notice and often will also stop returning calls. They are hoping you will just go away and go find another job on your own. Its the starve you out strategy used by many companies and insurance companies. You can ask them to reinstate your benefits, However, this route is not likely to be successful unless your claim denial was a real mistake made by your employer or the employer's insurance company. At this point, a call to the Law Offices of David Zimmerman can be of great benefit to you. We're well versed in Michigan Workers' Compensation law, rules, and guidelines, standing with you to help make sure the appeals process proceed without incident. We're prepared to provide the most competent and aggressive Workers' Comp representation that you'll find in Michigan. You can be assured that our attorneys can assist you in every step of your case. We can discuss this further with you in the free, no- obligation appointment.
As you've been reading, there are many complexities and uncertainties in the Workers' Comp benefits denial, termination/cutoff, and appeal process. Call the Law Offices of David Zimmerman, in Sterling Heights, MI, or contact us via our form email on the right. You will be treated with the utmost of respect and professionalism and we look forward to speaking with you. Thank You.