For many, it is surprising to learn how complicated it is to recover compensation for your damages caused by another individual or company’s negligence. One of the many important components to a worker’s compensation claim is proving the other party is at fault. Knowing what you need to do can be overwhelming, which is why…
When faced with a denied workers’ compensation claim, you first need to collect the relevant medical records and documentation to support the need for denied medical care. Then, you can enlist the help of a workers’ compensation attorney to assist with navigating the appeals process, advocating for medical benefits, and advising on increasing medical benefits… has listed the Top 17 attorneys in Michigan for Workers’ Compensation Law. David W. Zimmerman, and the Law Offices of David W. Zimmerman are listed in the Top 17 comp lawyers in Michigan. In fact, we score an A+ for reputation and an A+ for professionalism. We are at the Top of workers compensation…
Settlements are usually how workers compensation cases in Michigan are resolved. About 95% of all cases are concluded with a redemption/settlement. The other 5% are trials or voluntary pay agreements. Voluntary pay agreements are when the injured employee returns to work for the same employer, where she/he was originally hurt or injured. Voluntary pay agreements…
David Zimmerman is one of the top workers compensation attorneys in Michigan. That is based on his experience and skill in workers’ compensation courts throughout the state. He has been practicing in one area for his 28 year career as an attorney. That one area is workers’ compensation. For the first 8 years he worked…
Michigan Workers Compensation settlements are tax free. That is because the wages you receive are based on after tax amounts. The settlements are based on your workers compensation rate which is less than your gross amount you receive per week. The only exception is if you are receiving social security disability and your social security…
The workers compensation settlement procedure is very complicated. It involves lost wages based on your workers compensation rate (not your full wages) and medical treatment, and occasionally vocational retraining. There is no pain and suffering allowed in Michigan Workers Compensation. The settlements are usually based on 0 to 6 years of future wages at the…
4-6 Weeks is a General Guideline for Workers’ Compensation Settlements Generally, it will take 4-6 weeks from the time the agreement is reached until there is money in your hands. Once the settlement is reached, the employers’ attorney will need to draft the settlement papers. The contracts are then signed by the attorneys and the…