For many, it is surprising to learn how complicated it is to recover compensation for your damages caused by another individual or company’s negligence. One of the many important components to a worker’s compensation claim is proving the other party is at fault. Knowing what you need to do can be overwhelming, which is why…
When faced with a denied workers’ compensation claim, you first need to collect the relevant medical records and documentation to support the need for denied medical care. Then, you can enlist the help of a workers’ compensation attorney to assist with navigating the appeals process, advocating for medical benefits, and advising on increasing medical benefits…
Settlements are usually how workers compensation cases in Michigan are resolved. About 95% of all cases are concluded with a redemption/settlement. The other 5% are trials or voluntary pay agreements. Voluntary pay agreements are when the injured employee returns to work for the same employer, where she/he was originally hurt or injured. Voluntary pay agreements…
1. They are not your friend. 2. They are not looking out for your medical needs. 3. Their job is get the doctor to return you to work ASAP. 4. Doctors do not like nurses or anyone else telling them how to do your job or suggesting they know better. 5. If the Doctor is…
Get an Attorney to settle you’re Michigan workers compensation case. Should you have gotten Attendant Care? Have you been paid mileage? Have you been paid at the correct rate? Is the insurance company taking a credit for money that they believe you could earn under a wage earning capacity assessment? All of these need to…
Lump Sum Settlements Most Michigan workers’ comp settlements are made in a lump sum. In a lump sum settlement, the insurance company agrees to make one payment that resolves your entire workers’ comp claim. A lump sum settlement is different than a voluntary payment (VP) agreement. A VP agreement simply means that the insurance company…
NO, you should not settle your worker’s compensation case in Michigan without consulting an attorney that specializes in Michigan worker’s compensation settlements. At the Law Offices of David Zimmerman we have been negotiating settlements with insurance companies for 25 years. We know exactly what issues are crucial to getting the maximum settlement amount. We know…
You should talk with an Attorney that specializes in Michigan Worker’s Compensation Law before you settle your case. I regularly see people in court settling their worker’s compensation case without an attorney. I often sit in on those settlement hearings and people that trust insurance companies and insurance adjuster to be fair, get much less…