Nurse case managers Michigan Worker’s Comp
1. They are not your friend.
2. They are not looking out for your medical needs.
3. Their job is get the doctor to return you to work ASAP.
4. Doctors do not like nurses or anyone else telling them how to do your job or suggesting they know better.
5. If the Doctor is harassed enough (when can he return to work, when can she return to work) he may return you to work before you are ready. It happens all the time.
6. If anything they are trying to save money for the insurance company by preventing testing and treatment, physical therapy etc…
7. Do not let them talk to your doctor outside your presence. They will try to get the doctor to switch his opinion on restrictions.
8. It is best to not let them talk to your doctor at all.
9. They will tell you the law is that they can legally talk to your doctor. That is just not true.
10. You have Hippa rights. You do not give those up. The claims adjuster has a right to get the medical records per the law, but not to orally discus the case.
11. If you have signed a release allowing them to talk to your doctor you can revolt that right you have given up.
12. Advise your doctor that you do not want them talking to the nurse manager or the adjuster. Tell the office staff as well.
13. Call my office ASAP once you feel your rights are being violated.
Law Offices of David Zimmerman